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Olá pessoal! Este blog é para vocês, professores, alunos e amantes do ensino de inglês! Aqui, eu compartilho minhas ideias, descobertas, atividades e trabalhos dos meus alunos. Comente e dê sugestões! Grata pela visita e por usar este blog! Deus os abençoe! Angela.

Hi everyone, this blog is for you, teachers, students and ELT lovers! Here, I share my ideas, findings, activities and my students' works. Feel free to comment and suggest!
Thank you for visiting and using this blog! God bless you! Angela.


Brincar é coisa séria: atividades, dicas, jogos e paródias para aulas de inglês é um 'resource book' para professores de inglês com mais de 200 páginas de sugestões! ENVIE SEU PEDIDO PARA professora.angelacarvalho@gmail.com. Em Fortaleza, CE, o livro está à venda nas livrarias SBS, Acadêmica e Smile.

Friday, June 6, 2014

English & Songs - I know you care by Ellie Goulding

Activity 2
Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BRdY0NR08g and watch the video clip of

I know you care by Ellie Goulding

Clinging to me
Like a last breath you would breathe
You were like home to me
I don't recognize this street
Please, don't close your eyes
Don't know where to look without them
Outside the cars speed by
I never heard them until now
I know you care
I know it's always been there
But there is trouble ahead, I can feel it
You are just saving yourself when you hide it
Yeah, I know you care
I see it in the way you stare
As if there was trouble ahead and you knew it
I'll be saving myself from the ruin
And I know you care
I used to run down the stairs
To the door and I thought you were there
To shape to the comfort of us
Two lovers loved out of love
Oh, but I know you care
I know it is always been there
But there is trouble ahead, I can feel it
You are just saving yourself when you hide it
Yeah, I know you care
I see it in the way that you stare
As if there was trouble ahead and you knew it
I'll be saving myself from the ruin
I know it wasn't always wrong
But I've never known a winter so cold
No, I don't want my hands in a coat
But I still hope
'Cause this is how things ought to have been
And I know the words of it
Wasn't all that it seemed
Why can't I dream?
Do I care to dream?
'Cause I know you care
And I know you care
I know

1. By listening to the song and watching the video, how are they
related to each other?

2. What's the overall tone of the lyrics?
( ) regretful ( ) ashamed ( ) joyful
( ) gloomy ( ) blissful ( ) hopeful

3. Which verses justify your answer to question 2?

4. Find the words for the definitions below:
a) to look directly and fixedly _________
b) to pay close attention or a concern for another _________
c) to stay very close to someone for emotional support,
protection, etc _________
d) To put or keep out of sight; conceal __________

5. Does the song evoke images in your head? If so, which
images? Write down words to exemplify your answers.

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